MS: Getting the Most out of a Neurology Appointment

In the haze of a new MS diagnosis, the actual appointment with a neurologist can be shoved to the background. To get the most benefit from an appointment, prepare yourself to become your own best advocate. Keep in mind that you can always change neurologists if you aren’t getting what you need as a patient. …

MS: Anatomy of a Fall

We’ve all taken a fall sometime in our lives and often never worry that it could happen again. For little kids, bodies close to the ground, learning how to stand, walk, run, and maneuver, falling is an inevitable occurrence. Usually no harm is done–just get up and keep going. As we get older or develop …

MS: Turning the Focus Outward

Early after my 2010 MS diagnosis, a pessimistic future loomed with disability, medication choices, and doctor visits always on my mind. I found out that MS doesn’t usually mean early death, but the constant wondering about how my life would change filled my world, entering into nearly every situation. It’s a lot of work to …

The New Normal of MS

The new normal–a phrase most people understand. For the multiple sclerosis community, the new normal is different for each person because MS affects each individual differently. Other chronic diseases have expected disease progressions, but in MS, similar brain scans can result in widely diverging symptoms. Isolation and fear are common first reactions to an MS …

The Dark Side of MS

Faith and MS I’ve been accused of being optimistic on a regular basis. I guess that’s a sin. Realistically, sometimes I only appear optimistic. I often act as if everything is going well and generally things are. I don’t think I’ve mentioned this, but I am a Christian and so my ultimate trust is in …

The MS Brain: Is Mental or Physical Activity Better?

I’m an active proponent of movement to try and stave off some of the effects of multiple sclerosis on the brain. A fair amount of research exists on the importance of physical and mental activity related to keeping your brain as healthy as possible. Because MS causes the brain to shrink and, through demyelination, destroys, …

MS: How I Keep Moving

MS, Walking, and Hip Problems The morning birds chirped their choruses, unfazed by the roaring growls from the chain saw taking out the bark beetle infested pine giant on our property. I walked on the short trail at the end of our mountain street, one of my five-day-a-week treks to keep moving. I use a …

Memory Concerns and MS

On the Road to Where? Teaching third grade involves continuing education beyond the classroom. One of my required meetings, a staff development training, took place at a neighboring elementary school. We met in the morning and drove back to our neighboring school sites in the afternoon. The training was pretty standard–teachers know what that means–and …

MS Phantom Sensations

The Invisible Towel I kicked the towel out of my way as the Zumba Gold class cranked up the music. (Gold stands for old!) Who left a towel on the gym floor? Someone could trip. As my MS journey progressed, I realized that moving helped. I did as much as I could, and felt better …

April Fool’s–The Beginning of My MS

Welcome! My name is Angela Stogner and I have multiple sclerosis–MS. No matter where you are in your MS journey, I’m here to encourage you by sharing my story and to urge you to keep on moving. Movement has helped me in all aspects of my life–physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally–to deal with the specter …